Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011

MLM Secrets Made Known

By Sarah Parkinson

Hi everyone, I wanted to answer some questions that have been winging their way into my email box, the one most often asked is 'What are the MLM secrets, how can I bring about some money in my MLM?'

Thats a good one! If we all knew the mlm secrets there would be no where near as many depressed people working in their corporate jobs and existing just for the weekend. I won't beat around the bush, if you are engaged in an MLM you are most likely not making a great deal of money (95% go out of business in this industry) you may even be making none at all! Maybe you have gotten frustrated and are thinking about packing it all in and thinking you will never be one of those affluent guys who works about 1 hours a day and takes luxurious holidays every month lives in a mansion and drives the sports cars around.

I know exactly how you feel because I was in this situation about 12 months ago and was trying to figure out the MLM secrets, I had basically burned myself out and was officially an 'MLM Retard' I had done EVERYTHING that my upline advised me to do and attended all the seminars and training calls. I persisted to chase my friends and family (they got truly fed up of me), put leaflets in letterboxes, left business cards lying around in phonebooths and on car windscreens, prospected anyone within 3 feet and I even tried to sell my biz op at parties and social gatherings. None of it really worked and I was pretty broke to be frank.

About 12 months ago I decided to take my business online to the internet where I discovered the network marketing training secrets and have enjoyed success ever since, I used up a lot of time and money on instruction for myself and learned all the strategies and secrets being utilised by the top earners.

Lets get right to it, I am going to tutor you how to really explode your business on the internet, I will teach you what some gurus are charging thousands for. To really build your MLM you are going to have to be trained in Internet Marketing! Ascertain how to use the social networking sites to generate leads all day, don't pitch your business prospect up front, Got it? Don't pitch your biz op up front, its just a method of spamming,people don't want a sales pitch shoved under their nose, the internet is full of people who are doing that already...be different and offer value and make links with people! Develop into a leader, offer valid value, position yourself as someone that other people will respect as a 'guru' Folks do business with those they trust, most wont just sign up with some imitation company website or a link.

You really should begin to build your own list of fascinated prospects and talk with them and construct relationships with them, they will become your friends and likely business partners that will earn you capital..respect them....give them overwhelming value, it's the way to do business. They will be chasing YOU to merge with your organization!

Study about using video marketing sites to advertise yourself, jot down some articles and publish them to article directories, use the social bookmarking sites to get your content read I'd say it was vital to have your own blog if you are serious about being a star online, Only those who want to be leaders will have set up their own blog. Will you be a leader?

These are just some ideas to get you started, but the truth is that there is no reason for you to be insolvent in your MLM any longer! Use the power of the internet, do your investigation and take action!

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