Sabtu, 03 September 2011

A Quick Look At Cathodic Protection

By Jake Clarke

Corrosion is a persistent problem that is encountered all over the world. It does a lot of damage to steel pipes, storage tanks and other metallic structures. It reduces durability which results in great losses over a period of time. There are several methods of dealing with the problem. A very efficient way is to use Cathodic protection.

Corrosion is caused in different ways. Rusting is common and is known to everybody. Galvanic is another one kind that happens when two metals have different charges in the vicinity of an electrolyte. Microbial is a type that is produced by bacterial activity which causes chemicals to attack the metal. Lastly, oxidation at very high temperatures can also be a cause.

Cathodic protection can be effectively used to put a stop to the development of this situation. The way this technology is structured makes it easier to implement in cases where it is very difficult get direct access. Underground storage systems and pipelines are some examples of this. Others include offshore platforms and ships.

The method can be used in two ways. One is the Galvanic CP. This is mostly used for structures that are small or medium in size. For larger structures, the second type called the Impressed current CP is mostly used. It offers more electric power and is more cost effective than the Galvanic CP and aluminium anodes.

There are several companies that undertake this job along with other inspection services. It is important to locate reputable and experienced UST compliance testing companies. They will conduct regular inspection of all concerned structures. Their services will keep them in good condition all year round.

Cathodic protection is so essential for maintaining the durability of the structures, it must not be ignored. Experienced and qualified persons must be called upon to undergo regular testing and treatment of tanks, pipes and connectors. Companies who make a practice of doing this save a lot of money in the long run.

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